


The union will have one principal inspector and a substitute one who are elected by the ordinary general meeting for one year and their renewed re-election is possible . In case of death or disqualification of principal inspector , the substitute inspector shall perform their duties .


Duties of inspector

Supervision of all measures and operations of board of directors within regulations of this constitution and their conformity with  the contents of the constitution and approvals of  the general assemblies and current laws of the country .In case the inspector observes any disparity he will inform the board of directors through secretariat and demand its removal. Inspectors will, before annual general meeting , inspect the balance sheets which are  prepared by the directors for submission to the annual general meeting and also, in case of necessity , study all financial sheets of the union and express their views on accuracy of materials and data which board of directors is to put  at disposal of general assembly and submit a comprehensive report concerning status of the union to  ordinary general meeting . the report by the inspector shall be ready at least ten days before holding ordinary general meeting for referral of the members of union at the secretariat of the union. Inspector is bound to take care of and supervise all affairs related to invitation for ordinary and extraordinary general assemblies . Inspector shall register his/her reports in a file at the secretariat.  





تصویر نمادالکترونیکی

About Us

The section of oil, gas and petro-chemistry is the up-most and first industrial vantage of the country and the pivot of the Economy of Iran. Regarding the importance of this section and the need for coordinating and organizing the most active people in the field of production and exporting oil ,gas, and petrochemical products ,some forethoughtful and job- makers in the private section of the country decided to come together to fight against the threats by using the opportunity of mass intelligence and potentials.