Increase in weekly transactions at Iran Fara Bourse

Increase in weekly transactions at Iran Fara Bourse
The value of Iran Fara Bourse (IFB) trade market with an increase of 4.4% amounted to 925.146 billion rials on the closing day of the trade week, Tuesday.

IFB also known as Farabourse is an over-the-counter market for securities and other financial instruments in Tehran which operates under official supervision of SEO (Securities and Exchange Organization).

During the four transaction days of the past week, the volume of trade at Iran Fara Bourse made an increase of 46%.

Transactions of the trade week ending to July 7 showed a drop of 3% as compared to the previous week but the value of transactions showed an increase of 46%.

Totally, some 848 million bonds in 100 thousand turns were transacted at a value of 4.13 billion rials at Iran Fara Bourse markets.

In the base market, 254 million bonds with a value of 172 billion rials were transacted and 8.4 million bonds worth 2.97 billion rials were traded at new financial tools market of Iran Fara Bourse.

In the past week, underwriting of combined ETF of Sepehr Naft Khobregan as the eighth ETF of Iran Fara Bourse was started in the third Iran Fara Bourse market and will be continued up to July 1.

Meanwhile, during the four-day transaction period of the 16th week of the current year, the banks with 20% shares reached the top of the progressive industries in the weekly transaction of Iran Fara Bourse while chemicals and transportation with 15% and 11% shares, respectively, stood in the second and third places

Jul 11, 2015 09:36


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